Jul 22Liked by Keith Meatto

Hey Keith, good news: after weeks of organizing, I've arranged for this Saturday to be a big video get together. Everyone's attending. You doing anything Saturday? Your brothers are coming. So too is JW and LL and Juno Diaz and Lorie Moore and hopefully Joyce Carol Oates. 10 am Saturday is the time we're all Zooming. You're not busy Saturday, are you?! Ha! Have fun Saturday! Remember, it's only a massive, open stretch of water that's deep as all hell and reminds me, frankly, of a liquid rollercoaster ride of danger and defeat, but that's jus' me.

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Ha! Lee, you're amazing. Thanks for the dose of hilarious irreverence. You had me until you asked if I was doing anything Saturday? PS. That would have been an epic video party.

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Jul 23Liked by Keith Meatto

Just found your blog thanks to the River Pool Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/riverpool.beacon

Thought you might like my River Swim story and find some inspiration -


I look forward to meeting you on Saturday!

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Wow. Thank you so much for sharing, Marie. Your story is powerful and inspiring. I admire your strength and determination. See you on Saturday!

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Excited for you, Keith!

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Thanks, Chris. Appreciate all your support!

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Jul 22Liked by Keith Meatto

Good luck, Keith. I’m rooting for you!!!

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Gracias, Jeanne Marie. Espero que estés disfrutando del verano.

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Jul 22Liked by Keith Meatto


Relax--you'll do just fine next week!

And, I'm so happy that you brought River into your family. I guarantee that you will wonder what the heck you were waiting for, all these years without a dog...

CHEERS to all! jane c.

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Jane, thanks so much for the encouragement and good wishes about the swim and dog life, I know you're a pro in both domains. Hope you're having a relaxing and restorative summer.

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